
Virtual Seniors Workshop - Free Finance & End of Life Planning

Zoom videoconferencing platform
1:00 – 2:30 p.m. DST (2:00 - 3:30 p.m. EST)

Please join us for an informative workshop to answer any questions you may have regarding your finances. Take part in a virtual conversation with a representative from the Canadian Foundation for Economic Education, and other seniors in your community, to gain a better understanding of your financial issues and concerns.

Topics of discussion include:

A review of goal setting, and planning for our future as we face life events. A focus on end of life planning will be made, with an emphasis on:

  • Adjusting our plans, as we are faced with Life Events
  • Dealing with illness, and end of life considerations
  • Remaining in control, POA for Health and Wealth
  • Making estate arrangements including your Will
  • Arranging funerals, burials; preplanning
  • A full 30 minutes will be dedicated to Q and A time

Click here to register.

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