12.04.20 - CFEE is a non-partisan, non-political organization and we have a policy of not posting political materials. However, these are extraordinary times and so, at this time, we are going to make an exception. We believe...Read More
12.05.19 - The holidays can be a busy and hectic time, often due to the amount of shopping many of us have to do. Whether it’s gifts for others, or food and drinks for entertaining, there’s a...Read More
11.01.19 - So here we are the start of another school year. For a brief period each year, the media and others focus on issues pertaining to schooling and what we teach our kids. Let’s suppose for...Read More
10.31.19 - In a Globe and Mail article on October 2nd, drawing on information sourced from the Conference Board of Canada and BDO, Michael Babad laid out a pretty good statistical picture of the financial situation and...Read More
10.31.19 - We live in a democracy – a democracy built upon the hard work, and even deaths, of many who came before us. Yet, let’s be honest, we take it for granted. It is a right,...Read More
11.29.18 - Retirement may seem like a long way away, but you need to start planning long before you stop working. Most people need to save for many years to have enough money to retire. Where do...Read More
11.29.18 - Which card is right for me? The average Canadian carries three credit cards in his wallet – and that doesn’t include debit cards, gift cards, or loyalty cards. But not all credit cards are the...Read More
11.29.18 - There are as many ways to save money as there are ways to spend it. Here are a few ideas to help you get started. Top Ten Savings Tips Save before you spend. Think of...Read More
11.29.18 - The world would be a wonderful place If we could have every conceivable grace. Just take away prices and take a quick poll, "Fifty houses, ten boats and eight albums - Rock & Roll. Take...Read More
10.23.18 - Moving Out On Your Own One decision many people face when they leave home is whether to move out on their own or move in with one or more roommates. Both can have their challenges. If you move...Read More