
Money and Retirement - Seniors & Older Adults 2024 (Family Service Toronto)

Zoom videoconferencing Platform and In-person Family Service Toronto, 355 Church Street, Toronto, ON. M5B 0B2
2:00 - 4:00 p.m. ET

CFEE and Family Service Toronto are offering a workshop for seniors and those within the 2SLGBTQIA+ community. In this workshop, CFEE VP Kevin Maynard will look at some of the main challenges Canadians face in retirement, including navigating government pensions, building a “crystal ball” to determine how your goals, wishes, and dreams may change in the short and medium term, and what you can do today to prepare for the unexpected tomorrow.

This workshop is being hosted in a hybrid format, with limited spaces available at Family Service Toronto (355 Church Street, Toronto, ON. M5B 0B2) and unlimited virtual spaces via Zoom. Please contact Christopher Grondin if you would like to attend in person (

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