
Webinar - Building household financial security during COVID-19 and beyond (Prosper Canada)


Join the following Prosper Canada webinar on October 7, 2020 from 1:00 – 2:00 pm (EDT).

Even before the COVID-19 pandemic, many Canadians were having difficulty making ends meet, and the pandemic has further impacted the financial well-being of financially vulnerable Canadians.

In this webinar, Prosper Canada will present research on how COVID-19 has impacted the financial security of Canadians and how additional financial challenges are likely to arise over the next year. Prosper Canada commissioned Boston Consulting Group’s (BCG) Social Impact Ambassador program to conduct this research on the post-COVID-19 financial landscape. The speakers will be BCG interns Abhijit BhamidipatiAda Kwong, and Brian Page.

Prosper Canada CEO, Liz Mulholland will then moderate a discussion period as we invite you to share what actions you have taken in your communities to respond to the financial challenges faced by Canadians at this time, and what actions you think governments or other players should take to ensure that people can financially recover from the pandemic.

This one-hour webinar is relevant for practitioners across all sectors who want to learn how Canadians are being financially impacted by COVID-19, and to share and learn what can be done in response.

Click here to register.

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