
Webinar - Self-care for frontline practitioners: Challenges and Strategies (Prosper Canada)


Join Prosper Canada for the 2021 ABLE virtual series.

Connect with frontline practitioners in our spring series as we share knowledge, tools and resources and to learn what organizations are doing to meet the needs and demands of struggling Canadians in these unprecedented times. Prosper Canada’s fall series will offer panels of expert speakers who will share knowledge and insights on financial topics to help you in your financial empowerment work.

You can register now for the kick-off event on May 19, 1:00 PM EDT, Self-care for frontline practitioners: Challenges and strategies.

Event dates are posted on the ABLE Financial Empowerment website at and are being updated as new events are added.

Who should attend:

Spring series: Frontline practitioners providing financial empowerment services and/or supports to Canadians on low incomes or anyone interested in learning how organizations are meeting the needs of Canadians during the pandemic. Sessions will feature presentations and interactive discussions.

Fall series: People from all sectors working together to mobilize financial empowerment solutions to tackle poverty in Canada. Sessions will showcase a series of relevant topics for post-pandemic financial empowerment.

Event programming may include some French content. Please direct any inquiries to Glenna Harris at

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