
Let's Talk Money: Seniors Workshop (Richmond Hill Public Library)

Oak Ridges Library (Richmond Hill Public Library), Rooms 1&2 34 Regatta Avenue Richmond Hill, ON L4E 4R1
2:30 - 3:30 p.m. EST

This workshop will provide tips to help both adult children and parents have meaningful conversations about money. Presented by CFEE (Canadian Foundation for Economic Education).

Topics in the workshop include:

  • Wills & Inheritance
  • Managing Your Assets
  • Retirement
  • Investing
  • Life Insurance
  • End-of-Life and Funeral Arrangements
  • Living Situation
  • Power of Attorney
  • Providing Support to Grandchildren

This program is for adults. Priority will be given to confirmed RHPL card holders. This program will take place in Rooms 1&2, Oak Ridges Library (Richmond Hill Public Library).

The Canadian Foundation for Economic Education (CFEE) is a non-profit, non-partisan organization, founded in 1974, that works to improve economic, financial, and enterprising capability. CFEE works collaboratively with our funding partners, departments of education, school boards, schools, educators, and teacher associations to develop and provide free, non-commercial programs and resources for teachers and students – developed and reviewed by educators. CFEE also has a range of programs to assist newcomers to Canada as they look to settle and integrate into their new country.

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