
Credit Canada Webinar - Talking with the Experts - Money Mindsets & Financial Behaviour

GoToWebinar Platform
4:00 - 4:30 PM EDT

In this webinar, Credit Canada will be joined by Stephanie Holmes-Winton, the CEO and founder of CacheFlo Inc; a software company that builds behaviour-based spending management tools. She spent a decade as a financial advisor, helping clients get more life from their money. She went on to launch training programs, so other financial professionals can hone their cash flow management skills before starting a software company.

Stephanie has written two books on spending and debt, Defusing The Debt Bomb, and $pent. Her advice on personal finance has been featured by the Globe & Mail, CBC Radio, CTV and many more. Thousands of financial professionals have enhanced their impact on their clients, customers and members using CacheFlo’s training and tools.

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