René Vézina
A journey through print and electronic media.
René Vézina has been working in communications for over 40 years.
As a journalism and political science graduate from Université Laval, he began his career in 1977 on the radio and on television for Radio-Canada in the Gaspésie region before moving on to the national network in Montreal.
He then moved onto scientific journalism, with an interest in economics, which has since became the area he enjoys most.
He was editor-in-chief of Les Affaires from 2002 to 2005, and then remained there as a columnist until June 2018. He also hosted the show Finances on the TVA network for three years, and Déficit Zéro on Télé-Québec in 2013.
He is still on the radio with daily shows on Radio-Canada in Montreal in the morning and at noon, and frequently collaborates with various radio stations throughout Quebec. In the fall of 2008, he published the guide Comment parler aux médias, through Éditions Transcontinental.
The Institut québécois de planification financière awarded him the Prix de journalisme en littératie financière 2014 for his work.
His ongoing challenge is to help others understand the movements of the economy, as it is experienced day to day.