
Prakash Amarasooriya


Prakash Amarasooriya is currently the Learning Solution Architect at TD Canada Trust and has fulfilled various roles during his time at TD since starting in 2016. He is the former School Boards Lead for the Toronto Youth Cabinet (TYC), and has been featured in the media for the financial literacy campaign he initiated in October 2016 in his work with the TYC. Prakash created the proposal to have financial literacy incorporated into the Ontario Grade 10 Career Studies course as well as a petition to get the attention of the public and the media. After months of preparation, and three weeks after publishing the petition, he obtained a meeting with the Ontario Ministry of Education and sat down with the Minister of Education herself, Mitzie Hunter. She readily saw the strong case Prakash made for financial literacy in schools and, two days after the meeting, Minister Hunter published a press release stating that she had accepted his proposal and will be putting financial literacy into the Grade 10 Careers course, which was incorporated in 2019. He has done multiple interviews and podcasts on the importance of financial literacy as well as countless presentations teaching financial literacy through the Canadian Bankers Association, Junior Achievement and in his own spare time. Prakash graduated from York University with a Bachelor of Science Honours degree, majoring in Kinesiology and a minor in Psychology. He was involved in a number of organizations while at York University, ranging from being the President of Doctors Without Borders and a Student Senator to the Salsa Club President (the dance, not the dip). He currently also sits on the Board for Crow’s Theatre, and is a published neuroscience researcher.

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