
Free Webinar | Going Remote with Experiential Learning and Work-Integrated Learning: A Practical Outcome-Based Approach


CERIC continues to offer webinars that have been very popular during extraordinary times, and the sessions that they facilitate are always of the highest quality! If you sign up to participate, but are unable to attend due to a topic’s popularity, you may receive an email with a recording of the day’s topic.

Free Webinar – What is Work-Integrated Learning (WIL) when workplaces are remote? What is front-line experience when locations are essential staff only? What hands-on experiences can be feasible when capacity is halved, or it must be online? How to host a placement student in these times? These are the questions we are facing. This practical session is about getting to “this is a possible option” by identifying priority outcomes, the design options that remain, and assessment/feedback and activities that could align.

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