
Parent Workshop - Financial Literacy for Your Kids (Leo Hayes Parent Council)

The Leo Hayes High School Library
5:00 - 6:00 p.m. AT

On Thursday, April 13th, you are invited to attend a workshop organized by CFEE, together with the Leo Hayes Parent Council, around assisting parents and youth with learning activities. This workshop has been designed to provide a tool kit that parents can use to help build financial literacy capabilities for their kids. In this workshop, you will learn:

– About free activity guides and lesson plans you can use to assist with at-home learning during the current school closure
– How to access free online resources around money management, planning for your future, and career exploration for high school kids
– The most requested financial information and topics asked about by youth, and the free resources you can use to help address these topics with them

This workshop will be presented by Kevin Maynard, VP of the Canadian Foundation for Economic Education.

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